Camps for Kids

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We started our summer camp shenanigans with Farm School (we were the first farm in our area to offer this!) in 2019 with a FREE spring break camp for our local kiddos. That brought over 100 attendees and we quickly realized the need for an outlet for our kids! We started formally offering a camp for kids, incorporating horseback riding lessons with classic childhood experiences on the farm like playing in the creek and taking walks in the woods. We taught (and still teach) our kids about maintenance of animals - from shearing our alpacas to vaccinating the goats, giving bottles to calves and raising up colts! - and unplug them from screens while giving them responsibilities such as raking up the barn, giving hay to the animals, and more. Our camps also include horse-drawn wagon rides, arts and crafts for a break from the heat or in the event of inclement weather, and more. Our goal is to give your children the experience of “growing up” on a farm in just a few short hours during the day.. and to send them home dirty, tired, and a little more in love with agriculture each day!

Each week, our curriculum is about the same - we aim to allow all campers to experience the same things whether they come to one week or ten weeks. Because of availability, some campers may experience different things than others during different weeks (for instance, our alpaca shearers only come on one day so that is an experience only one week of campers will have) but we promise to give them as MUCH as we can and if your child comes one week or for the whole summer, they will have an incredible experience every time and they will never be bored!

Our newest edition to our summer shenanigans is Cowpoke College! This is a summer program with MUCH more riding involved! It is an exciting teenage program for our kiddos who are too old for Farm School but too young yet/don’t have a driver’s license.

For safety, we haven’t previously allowed kiddos to hang out at the barn unless they have a driver’s license. Now, there’s an option for our 13-17yo kiddos to come burn off their energy, learn about horses, and spend time out on the farm!

to Jul 26


“Can my teen come work at the barn?”

“My 15-year-old wants to join Farm School!”

“Oh man, my 13-year-old would love to hang out with y’all all summer.”

These are very common things we hear! Our “Farm School” program is catered for ages 6-12, which eliminates our older kids because they’re bored with the activities we have designed for our smaller cowboys and cowgirls! Well… now there’s a solution!


Disclaimer: not actually a college or accredited educational program. Just a cute name that takes advantage of alliteration. 😅

This is a summer program with MUCH more riding involved (our Farm School is not a RIDING camp - they do ride 3+ times per week but they’re learning about more than just horses!), a more exciting teenage program for our kiddos who are too old for Farm School but too young yet/don’t have a driver’s license.

For safety, we haven’t previously allowed kiddos to hang out at the barn unless they have a driver’s license. Now, there’s an option for our 13-17yo kiddos to come burn off their energy, learn about horses, and spend time out on the farm!

**Cowpoke College will run the same days/times as Farm School: Monday through Friday from 8am to 3pm, every week in June and July. Enrollment is strictly limited for our first summer officially offering this program, so get your kiddos enrolled now while we have space. Only $100 per week per child!

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