Spring Valley Farm offers

Self Care, Full Care, & Full Care+ Boarding Options

  • Natural herd settings in large pastures

  • Sexes in separate pastures

  • Daily Checks

  • Access to large shelters in fields

  • Free-flowing water sources

  • Free choice access to high-quality hay when the grass is in short supply

  • Use of outdoor lit arena, round pen, trails, boarder tack rooms, wash racks with warm water

  • Blanketing as needed

  • Management lives on property so regardless of inclement weather, your horse will have the care they need!


  • Separate pastures for sexes

  • Large barn/run-in shelter

  • Access to hay in cooler months

  • Blanketing included

  • Catch fees apply for appointments

Self Care


  • Smaller herd/mixed sexes

  • Stalls available in bad weather

  • 1-2x/day feedings (supply your own grain)

  • Catch fee waived for appointments

Full Care


Same as Full Care plus…

  • Feedings include one scoop of Fiber Plus/day and GutX gastric support)

Full Care+



Do you have a vet you use?

Our regular vet is Dr. Joy Watkins at Bedford Animal Hospital in Bedford, Virginia. We also use Dr. Ashley Cundiff with Windy Knoll Veterinary Services. Between these two fabulous women, we have a vet on site on average once a month for both standard and emergency procedures. Dr. Cundiff offers mobile x-ray services and we can haul horses into Dr. Watkins’ clinic for emergencies or procedures that are urgent.

What about a farrier?

Our farrier is Brenton Chaffin, a fabulous individual with years of expertise in hoof care. Brenton comes to the farm once a month, for routine care, and can be scheduled for any extra needs.

Can I bring my own vet or farrier?

Absolutely! That is not a problem. We also have other professionals: vets, farriers, and chiropractors, that frequent our facility on a regular basis and are available for add-on appointments on short notice if need be!

We LOVE guests to come and ride - that’s a HUGE bonus of boarding at Spring Valley Farm!

We have dozens of trail and lesson horses that are available for daily or hourly rental for guests and family members to use as needed.

Is your horse lame or out of commission?

No problem! Boarders are welcome to use one of our horses in the meantime when available!

Bringing grandma to ride and you’re not sure if Trigger is up to the task of toting her around?

No problem, our saintly trail horses are up to the call! Just reserve with us in advance.

Does your horse need to travel to a vet clinic?

Need to go to Virginia Tech for an endoscopy to diagnose gastric ulcers? Not a problem. We’ll help you coordinate a referral with our veterinarian and schedule the appointment to get your horse taken care of ASAP!

Need to go to Mountain View for a lameness exam and joint injections? We love Dr. Reiner! We’ll even call on your behalf, book the appointment, and get your pony on up to their facility for their exam!

Have your own trailer?

GREAT! We have trailer storage (not covered - outdoor only) and you’re welcome to keep it here at the farm for when you need it.

Want to go explore a local trailhead?

Let us know, we’ll go with you! Typically, we charge $50 per horse for a spot on our trailer to go to the trails.
There is an additional cost to rent a horse if you need to use one of ours.

What about if I want you to use my horse on the trail program or lesson program?

We do not use boarder horses on our trail program. Our relationship with you is much more important than anything else and there are simply too many opportunities for tension if your horse is employed for use on our trail riding program. HOWEVER, our lesson instructor Shelly Dimmick will use boarder horses by request only for lesson purposes. This is very light use, for designated short periods of time (flexible around your schedule so you’re never competing for use of your own horse), giving your horse something to do to stimulate their brain and keep them in work.