Spring Valley’s

Colt Starting Competition

To Apply:

About the competition:

We are offering local trainers an opportunity to demonstrate their skills on our Sporthorse colts! Trainers will apply to compete against other trainers on a clean slate, colts who have had basic handling but are by no means feral. Trainers will have 100 days to work with their horse and will compete against colts of the same age at the end of the time period. Winners are awarded significant cash prizes, belt buckles, and more plus access to an opportunity for employment at ranch facilities that have partnered with us across the country.

Trainers will meet at the Colt Selection Summit to choose their horses and at the end of the 100 days, will return to the farm for a trail obstacle competition to determine who was able to do the most with the colt they chose. Selection is semi-random, meaning that the trainers will pull numbers out of a hat and get to choose their colt in order of number. This means that if Susan pulled number 1, Bob pulled number 2, George pulled number 3, and Jordan pulled number 4, that Susan would get to choose her colt out of the herd first, then Bob would get to choose, and so on and so forth until everyone has a colt.

Our goal in this is not who can force their colt to do the “most” - if you have a colt who is exceptionally difficult, there is more merit in taking that colt as far as he can go within his limits than to shut him down and force him to a level that he is not mentally prepared for yet.

Take a peek at the colts we have to offer:

About the prizes:

Cash prizes in the 2020 Category: $200 per horse in class + flat $1,000 “added money”

Example: we have seven colts in our 2020 class. If we have seven trainers, then the cash prize for first place will be (7 x $200 = $1,400) plus $1,000. So in this scenario, first place would receive $2,400. Second place would be awarded half of first place - $1,200. Third place is awarded half of second place - $600. The first place winner in each category will be awarded a belt buckle and the top three winners in each category may be eligible for employment at one of our partner ranches across the country.

If there are only three trainers in the 2020 class, first place would be awarded (3 x $200 = $600) plus $1,000 = $1,600. Second place would be $800 and third place would be $400. So it is in your best interest that many trainers commit to the competition, because the more “play”, the more there is to win!

Cash prizes in the 2021 Category: $150 per horse in class + flat $800 “added money”

Example: we have ten colts in our 2021 class. If we have ten trainers, then the cash prize for first place will be (10 x $150 = $1,500) plus $800. So in this scenario, first place would receive $2,300. Second place would be awarded half of first place - $1,150. Third place is awarded half of second place - $575. The first place winner in each category will be awarded a belt buckle and the top three winners in each category may be eligible for employment at one of our partner ranches across the country.

Cash prizes in the 2022 Category: $100 per horse in class + flat $600 “added money”

Example: we have sixteen colts in our 2022 class. If we have sixteen trainers, then the cash prize for first place will be (16 x $100 = $1,600) plus $600. So in this scenario, first place would receive $2,200. Second place would be awarded half of first place - $1,100. Third place is awarded half of second place - $550. The first place winner in each category will be awarded a belt buckle and the top three winners in each category may be eligible for employment at one of our partner ranches across the country.

Cash prizes in the 2023 Category: $50 per horse in class + flat $400 “added money”

Example: we have ten colts in our 2023 class. If we have ten trainers, then the cash prize for first place will be (10 x $50 = $500) plus $400. So in this scenario, first place would receive $900. Second place would be awarded half of first place - $450. Third place is awarded half of second place - $225. The first place winner in each category will be awarded a belt buckle and the top three winners in each category may be eligible for employment at one of our partner ranches across the country. These colts will NOT be permitted to perform undersaddle. Only age-appropriate training will be evaluated.

The “Fine Print” and other Conditions

Spring Valley will pay for the cost of all healthcare of the colts during their training time. This is to include Coggins, vaccinations, farrier work, any bloodwork that is required or recommended, grain, etc.. and board is free if the colts are kept at the farm. We will not pay for board at other facilities - that is the financial burden of the trainer in question. Regular photos and videos of the colts are required for participation in the program and will be used to publish on social media for the purpose of including the public in this experience.

Training is a stressful time for young horses and we want them to be CALORIE POSITIVE during their time in work, so we will work with all trainers to make sure that the colts are gaining, not losing, and will come out of training FATTER than they went in. None of these colts are in poor condition - they are all at “ideal” body weight or fatter. If a colt is obese and weight loss is in his/her best interest, then a nutrition plan will be devised to control weight loss and determine a timeline for the animal’s specific caloric needs. We are not looking for this time to be “rehabilitation” by any means, but we also do not want to have to rehab any of these colts after their training is completed.

The competition by which rankings are determined will be judged by a panel of multiple judges of varying backgrounds and credentials to avoid any bias, to mediate conflicts in personal opinion regarding a horse’s performance, and to create a more “fair” scoring system. The obstacles will not be published prior to competition so that there is no possibility of preparation for a specific obstacle or situation.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Applications: July 18

    July 18 @ 6pm

    We started accepting applications on July 1, 2024. On July 18, we will begin reviewing applications and on the 20th, we will announce our selections for the competition!

  • Colt Selection Summit: July 27

    July 27 @ 10am

    Trainers who have been selected for the competition will gather at Spring Valley on the 27th to choose their partner. We will draw numbers and the trainers will select their steeds in order of the number drawing. If trainers are taking their horses off-site, they may take them on this day.

  • Competition Day: November 9

    November 9 @ 10am

    Today’s the day! We will announce the schedule more specifically once we have a final count of teams. Colts must be on site by this day for competition and will remain on site afterwards.