We offer a 30-day moneyback satisfaction guarantee. All the horse traders like to say “if you don’t like the way it drinks water, bring it back!” but the difference is that we really mean it!
Our bill of sale also includes a “flipper/re-sale clause” that prevents buyers from selling the horses they buy from us within a reasonable period of time to discourage anyone from purchasing our horses with their intention being to flip or resell the horse quickly.
After 30 days, we still want to buy the horse back! We just cannot guarantee we will pay what you paid us because the horse may not be in the same condition, have the same training, etc., as when we first sold it to you.
Typically, we ask for 25% down as a deposit to enter into a financial agreement with us for the purchase of a horse. Once you have done that, you assume the financial responsibility and practical day-to-day ownership of the horse. The horse must stay on premises while payments are being made. We ask for one payment of 25% each month until the horse is paid in full. Board and other expenses are not included in this payment, it is only applied to the purchase price of the horse. You must keep the horse in current or better condition during this time, make payments on time and in full, or we reserve the right to terminate the contract.
If you are really concerned about buying a horse, you’re welcome to lease with us as well! We do not do specific horse leases, meaning you cannot just lease Snowhawk for a month - but you can do a lease where you are granted unlimited access to the facility and are welcome to ride any horse of your choosing. If that horse is up being used for another purpose - trail ride, lesson, etc. - you will have to catch and prep a suitable replacement and then you may ask that the person using that horse consider trading with you so that you can have that horse of your choosing for a time. Mostly, we do not have conflicts because of the large number of horses on property, but these rare conflicts can be avoided by advanced communication prior to arrival - “hey, I’m coming this afternoon and I’d like to ride Bella if she’s available”. Then, we will not pull Bella and she can be available for you when you arrive!
More About Leasing (page under construction please check back later!)